martes, 12 de junio de 2012

La apariencia física no vale nada si no tiene belleza interior. No mires lo fisico, sino lo que hay en el corazon.

Un Amigo nunca te dice lo que Tú quieres escuchar, te dice la verdad y lo que es mejor para ti.

Amar es enamorarse de la misma persona todos los días, sin hacer antigüedad, evitando la monotonía.

                     Hay más felicidad en dar que en recibir.

El amor es como los fantasmas, todo el mundo habla de él pero pocos lo han visto.

         El dolor es inevitable, el sufrimiento es opcional.

Todo mundo quiere tener un amigo, pocos se toman la molestia de ser uno.

 Solamente aquel que es demasiado fuerte para perdonar, una ofensa sabe "amar".

martes, 5 de junio de 2012

Some people put a smile on your face for a moment, while others make you smile for a lifetime...

girls are really born to be complicated.And the funny thing about it is that, boys are born to love complications.

Friends are the most important part of your life. Treasure the tears, treasure the laughter, but most importantly, treasure the memories

My Sister is the best friend that anyone could have... she has stuck by my side, stands up for me, believes in me, and always remains in my heart.

It's amazing how one moment with one person can change your entire life and make you shine from the inside out with a happiness you have only dreamed of...

even though times will be rough..even though times will be will always  have a best friend right by Ur side that loves you and will always be there

Far too often  we depend on others to make us happy, when really all we have to do is  look in the mirror and realize happiness starts within ourselves.

 Each girl is a princess at heart who just needs someone to believe in her, recognising that she is worthy.

sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

says 'love your haters, they're your biggest fans!'

In my dream you are my life - but in my life you are just a dream...

A best friend is the one who brings out the best in you, who makes you smile on your darkest days, who loves you even when you think no one will.

viernes, 19 de agosto de 2011

Friends come and go. But BEST friends never leave your side and are there for you at the worst of times.

It's the little imperfections that make a person beautiful.

I will love you till the end of time. Your mine forever and ill never let go ...

miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011

Be funny
. Be weird. Be crazy. Be different. Be unique. Be yourself.

Don't speak, gossips,
because what comes from your mouth shows who you really are. Just manage your own life! Don't try to act good when you're clearly not.